Taking the help of tears to win.
a game often weak souls play.
don’t fall in this slippery trap.
Weak souls set these traps.
These souls don’t have courage
to stand alone on their own.
To toil to get their goal.
Work hard to reap the harvest.
So they try to win what they want
may or may not deserve to have
by the power of their tears
which may or may not come from heart.
All tears are not fake and all are not real
some come from heart, some from eyes
and some are just a easy tool to win.
Knowing every one will respect these pearls.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
don't weep..but work hard...
don't ignore the tears from the heart as it values a lot...
An Inspiring prose....He was able to bring those hidden facts which happens in life in a simple yet powerful way..!!
dear td,
i agree with both your points hope they will too. :)
beautiful piece of prose.. thats my motto. even though i truly admire people like shakespeare but i dont have their talent so i have chosen simplicity.
best wishes,
Simplicity Works for most of the readers...Not all men are Scholars....right..?? :-)
dear td,
thank god that all are not scholars, nor am i, i am just a poet who doesnot even follows the rules of poetry.
best wishes,
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