Don’t play with your pain
sweet one its an all consuming
ruthless fire, which slowly
consumes the heart that lets it stay.
Stay more longer than it should.
once it makes its home in a heart
it slowly convinces its stay for ever
then its flames spread around.
It slowly consumes the entire being
turns a living, thriving life
into handful of ash and dust
Its raging flames never stop burning.
Don’t let it linger in your heart
either extinguish it with love
or just throw it out of your life
and move ahead, don’t look back.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
This is an interesting way to perceive pain. I like the way that pain is portrayed because it is contagious. another great poem!
dear SD,
i have seen too many people being oonsumed by this fire. i am personally very optimist, so i dont let it linger in my heart, but i have seen people who ruin their life after petty pain and failure.
with best wishes,
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