I still remember a classmate in my college days, who received a solid lecture from me, because at that time I was outspoken. But he some how gave me the hint of Indian society. We were good friends, he was from Durgapur and used to come to Burdwan to attend college. One day, while we were talking he started to childishly boast that he never buys tickets because he thinks that first Railways should run trains on time, and arrange for minimum amenities on the train then only should they ask for a fare. I told him that the thing which he is doing is stealing, taking a ride without paying for it. Railways have never begged him to take a ride, he is taking it because he needs it. He needs Railways not the other way round. And Indian Railway is too cheap. We did not agreed on that point.
Second instance of over obedience of Indians to law and order came when Bhagabati Prasad Banerjee banned cracking of loud crackers, I too used to love them, but he pointed out the way it harasses people and I also realized it. So I and a lot of my friends stopped it. But the people of his neighbourhood cracked loudest crackers around his home the night through. So sweet of them.
Third is the ban of smoking in public places, any person with conscience will agree that these people are SELFISH who don’t mind to make pay others for their temporary fun. The way the majority of them act shows that, when they are standing in a queue or sitting beside the window they don’t mind lighting up and passing the entire smoke to all around them, forget about taking permission, they don’t even try to channel the smoke in a manner that it does not kill the lungs of those around him. The thing that Dr. Ramadoss did was very right. But to my greatest mirth I observed that more and more people are smoking in the public place. So very docile of them.
It’s a shame the way so called educated people make fun of law and order. No wonder that India is so high on corruption scale. These incidents if seriously taken they will reflect the Indian mindset. We love to break rules. We think its heroism, but actually it reflects our bad taste. When government is making a law we should first judge its logics, and if it is logical, as both ban on smoking and sound pollution is, we should be decent enough to abide it.
We are becoming addicted to going against the law. Ultimately we will end up like African nations where one coup ends and another starts. Law and Rules are made to make the society more habitable. They are not things to be played with especially by educated persons.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
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