Dear friends, I am still firm on NOT USING FACEBOOK, ORKUT, TWITTER and SKYPE. If i ever change my mind I certainly will let you know. Those of you who want to get in touch with me certainly can leave a message in any of my blogs.

I blog to write, I DONT USE MY BLOGS FOR ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES . Though just like any persons who writes I too will love to see my works published but ....

I update these three blogspot blogs atleast once a month and the four wordpress blogs almost every day, so any one can check on these blogs to confirm if I am still in blogsphere: http://suryagni.blogspot.com; http://suryakana.blogspot.com; http://agnitrisha.blogspot.com; http://magicthought.wordpress.com; http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com; http://window2mysoul.wordpress.com; http://mycybernovels.wordpress.com ...... sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end i will request all my regular readers to just take a look in this piece of writing, so they act a little more cautiously.


Friday, December 4, 2009


They try to walk the path
which Buddha and christ walked
with a soul of normal being
and face hurdles on every turn.

They try to detach themselves
from anger, greed and ego
to love everyone, every soul.
Forgetting ego, anger and pain.

Soon their ego surfaces
overcoming unconditional love
then they try to show off love
hiding anger and hurt with sweetness.

They try to be the meek lamb
but soon their real self awakes
and they realize they are wearing mask
and presume everyone else is doing same.

They say, Budhdha, Christ and the prophet
they all heard calls from God
which gave them that immense self control
to wear a crown of thorn, yet love.

And they say God knows very well
the strength of her children
and she charters their path
just according to that strength.

We confuse ourselves by not being us
by trying to mimic the thing we love
or copy the thing we envy
which always ends up in hurt.

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