Mimicking an angel wont make you one
It may work the other way round
Your jealousy may pull down her
And make her lose her touch divine.
Mimicking her you will lose the touch
With your own true being
You will lose your friends and comrades
For they wont prefer to be with an angel.
You will then naturally opt to move
With the angels, among the angels
But believe me my friend they are too simple
Uncharismatic, uninteresting and innocent.
Soon you will get bored with them
And try to prove them fool or liars
For the human being within you
Wont let you admit they are what they are.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
Oh this is so deeply beautiful... Not pretending yes just BEINg oneself... and it'd flow as angels...
i completely agree with you, angels are angels because they dont pretend.
babies are equally adorable just because they too dont pretend.
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