Dear friends, I am still firm on NOT USING FACEBOOK, ORKUT, TWITTER and SKYPE. If i ever change my mind I certainly will let you know. Those of you who want to get in touch with me certainly can leave a message in any of my blogs.

I blog to write, I DONT USE MY BLOGS FOR ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES . Though just like any persons who writes I too will love to see my works published but ....

I update these three blogspot blogs atleast once a month and the four wordpress blogs almost every day, so any one can check on these blogs to confirm if I am still in blogsphere: http://suryagni.blogspot.com; http://suryakana.blogspot.com; http://agnitrisha.blogspot.com; http://magicthought.wordpress.com; http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com; http://window2mysoul.wordpress.com; http://mycybernovels.wordpress.com ...... sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end i will request all my regular readers to just take a look in this piece of writing, so they act a little more cautiously.


Thursday, July 23, 2009


Devil decided its high time,
He has been sowing his seed too long
Now he wanted to reap his harvest
He decided to take over the world.

He placed his most ardent followers
In law, force, media and politics
All these men and women had sold
Their body, soul and dignity to him.

He captured the world using them
They acted as his eye, ear, hands, tongue
Together they fooled everyone for long
Finally they announced devil as God.

He wore a robe like God, and a false halo
Proudly he sat down on a glorious throne
His slaves clapping their hands with glee
Suddenly the clapping stopped, a child talked..

“He is not God!!! Look at his tail and horns!!!”


Opaque said...

Harsh reality here! Well conveyed! Keep writing!!!

thoughts said...

too harsh, glad to know that you are pretty realistic too.
see why i ask god to come down?
warmest wishes,

HoneyBee said...

Truth in the eyes of an innocent child, something that many have lost.

Wendilea said...

I think of a childhood fable.." The emperor has no clothes" even though the gentle god of my Nature belief has horns and hooves... he is not the Devil of whom you speak, but alas the world does have the brand of evil of which you speak. An honest assessment of a cruel world in metaphor. Brilliant write.

Dulçe ♥ said...

So many of the kind out of jail. Too many... But fortunately most of us, angels, who do not get noticed are here to keep an eye on them fools...
I love your writing.
You can follow me too.
Thank you!

thoughts said...

dear hb,
and only children can speak out the truth when adults are looking the other way.

thoughts said...

dear lea,
he is the inspiration behind the protagonist of this behind.
i could not find a better fit so i could cut the poem a little short.

thoughts said...

dear dulce,
yes, and we should concentrate on keeping the name of God being heard in this world. sooner or later we will win.