Dear friends, I am still firm on NOT USING FACEBOOK, ORKUT, TWITTER and SKYPE. If i ever change my mind I certainly will let you know. Those of you who want to get in touch with me certainly can leave a message in any of my blogs.

I blog to write, I DONT USE MY BLOGS FOR ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES . Though just like any persons who writes I too will love to see my works published but ....

I update these three blogspot blogs atleast once a month and the four wordpress blogs almost every day, so any one can check on these blogs to confirm if I am still in blogsphere: http://suryagni.blogspot.com; http://suryakana.blogspot.com; http://agnitrisha.blogspot.com; http://magicthought.wordpress.com; http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com; http://window2mysoul.wordpress.com; http://mycybernovels.wordpress.com ...... sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end i will request all my regular readers to just take a look in this piece of writing, so they act a little more cautiously.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


so what you have not been blessed

with the voice of a nightingale

sing with love in your heart it will

surpass the sweetness of a lark.


Who cares if you don’t look like venus

As long as your face glows with love

Your eyes shine with kindness, truth

Your mouth utters words of affection.


We are as different as five fingers

Varying in every thing looks, taste, talent

Some of us have abundance, some none

But we all are blessed with beautiful heart.


No matter what the outer covering is

The soul and heart is equally pure

Those who cherish these blessings

Can shine from the glow within themselves.


Shine like a diamond embedded in crown

Shine like an evening star in dark

Which may not be as beautiful as sun


Dulçe ♥ said...

Oh Thank you for this.. I need to love myself more and accpt that my body is not and does not have to be that of a model to feel my light in and outside...
More low self esteem matters...
Hugs, my friend
PS-I have always loved your poems, that's why I'd like to give you a little present > go to my side bar and take that "prrrfect blog award" with the violet kitten, please.

thoughts said...

dearest dulce,
you should love yourself because you are a fabulous human being. As for me i am a very ordinary person but i firmly believe that God created me like this so i never feel sad about any thing in myself, though i constantly try to improve myself.

Thanks a lot for the beautiful gift. i will happily take it.

with lots of love.

Opaque said...

A beautiful message. Just beautiful. This is very well elaborated, like most of your poems. Keep them coming!!!

thoughts said...

dear ajey,
well your constant appreciation is priceless. as a writer you can feel how much pleasant it is for you when your words touch someone's heart.
with warmest affections,

Dulçe ♥ said...

Thanks BACK!

thoughts said...

dearest dulce,
i tried to locate the gift but couldnot see it, sorry i have guessed it from your blog that you are a perfect tech savvy artist but i am not very much tech savvy, you must have noted that i leave my blogs simple because i am not at all tech savvy :)

will you guide me how to collect it?

with lots of love and thanks.