Dear friends, I am still firm on NOT USING FACEBOOK, ORKUT, TWITTER and SKYPE. If i ever change my mind I certainly will let you know. Those of you who want to get in touch with me certainly can leave a message in any of my blogs.

I blog to write, I DONT USE MY BLOGS FOR ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES . Though just like any persons who writes I too will love to see my works published but ....

I update these three blogspot blogs atleast once a month and the four wordpress blogs almost every day, so any one can check on these blogs to confirm if I am still in blogsphere: http://suryagni.blogspot.com; http://suryakana.blogspot.com; http://agnitrisha.blogspot.com; http://magicthought.wordpress.com; http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com; http://window2mysoul.wordpress.com; http://mycybernovels.wordpress.com ...... sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end i will request all my regular readers to just take a look in this piece of writing, so they act a little more cautiously.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

false pearls

Oh she was desperate for him,

she wanted him with her

so she picked up all she had

to dress up to woo him to her.


One by one she picked up

false pearls of love, charity

and every other virtue she could

see or find in anyone near her…


she created a gorgeous necklace

and adorned it in her neck

she admired herself in the mirror

and went out to please him.


The path was long took days to reach

she saw his house was made of glass

she recoiled when she saw the string

of colourless beads hanging from neck.


Dulçe ♥ said...


thoughts said...

dearest d,
this was for God, though we can use it for personal relationships too.
with lots of love.

Opaque said...

Yes, I thought so too that this was for HIM. Nicely expressed. Keep them coming!!!

thoughts said...

dear ajey,
well thanks a ton for taking out time to read these simple poems.
wishing you the very best,