An evil sorcerer had a pretty daughter
and a rogue son without a soul to go
her son befriended an innocent prince
who was in love with a distant friend.
A friend he has never met face to face
but had fallen for her deeply
he sought the help of his friend to help
him in winning the hand of his lady love.
The rogue said yes, he will help him,
he will go there himself and bring her.
He covered the dagger in velvet sheath
said noble words hiding the greed.
He asked him for some symbol so
he could introduce himself as his friend
and took his ring and went to the girl
and told her that he is the prince.
He harassed the girl so badly faking as
the prince that the girl started to hate
his very name. Finishing his job there
he went back to prince with fake dismay
Told him that she loves him but is an
old woman married to some one else.
Then he offered her his sister’s hand
like a gallant knight, the prince denied.
The sorcerer casted her spell on the
doomed lovers, slowly their love ebbed
on one hand she pretended as the prince
to the hapless girl and did the same to him.
They both started to believe that the other
one is vile, their love was misplaced
the prince fell for sorcerer’s daughter and
his love started to hate his very name.
wriiten on 28.04.2009