Whats the difference between
sadness and enjoying one’s tears?
so many times we come across
these never ending barrage of tears.
They just don’t want to let past go
move on and welcome happiness
and if fate has cursed them too much
they cling to its long dead corpse.
Just like a mother monkey clings
to the body of her dead baby
even when the body has reduced
from a living body to a skeleton.
But a monkey has the alibi of naivety
of being a soul without much wisdom
what alibi does these people have
who just cant let dead past go ?
They cling to their miseries and brood
expect everyone around them to do so
are they really sad about their past
or they get joy out of that long dead pain?
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
A difficult question with a difficult answer. I think it is quite subjective, innit? The title, again is very good. Keep writing!!!
its not possible to make one statement for everyone who brood.. the title came to mind from a novel i was reading at that time "seven for a secret", in that novel the heroine thought that her mother enjoyed her miseries..
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