Gorgeous plumes 2.08.10
Gorgeous plumes
Burning like
Emerald, ruby and sapphire
Deck your beautiful body
Yet I fail to love thee
Why? They decorate thine body
Not the soul within.
She on other hand
Is black as coal
But her sweet song
Pouring from her soul
Soothes every soul
That’s why she is loved
That’s why she is hailed.
Why 16.05.2010
Why do you love her?
Keep refusing me?
Even though I love you
With all my heart.
We both are human
She and me
We both have vices
And virtues you see.
I love her and not thee
For too many reasons
she does not pretends
nor does she plays tricks.
You pretend, play games
Pretend to be what you are not
Try to steal what’s not yours
Try to ruin your rivals.
the top poem was inspired by the one below. Have done this experiment with handful of my unpublished poems. Will be sharing them with you. Hope you will like them.
Sharmishtha basu
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
AH, I can see the inspiration.
nicely written. deep.
Very sensative feelings and very touching!
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