Dear friends, I am still firm on NOT USING FACEBOOK, ORKUT, TWITTER and SKYPE. If i ever change my mind I certainly will let you know. Those of you who want to get in touch with me certainly can leave a message in any of my blogs.

I blog to write, I DONT USE MY BLOGS FOR ANY KIND OF COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES . Though just like any persons who writes I too will love to see my works published but ....

I update these three blogspot blogs atleast once a month and the four wordpress blogs almost every day, so any one can check on these blogs to confirm if I am still in blogsphere: http://suryagni.blogspot.com; http://suryakana.blogspot.com; http://agnitrisha.blogspot.com; http://magicthought.wordpress.com; http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com; http://window2mysoul.wordpress.com; http://mycybernovels.wordpress.com ...... sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end i will request all my regular readers to just take a look in this piece of writing, so they act a little more cautiously.


Monday, September 14, 2009

You cant be God

So you think that you are God
you can do justice and punish
anyone and everyone you think
is bad, corrupted and stinks..

Anyone you think that he has
wronged you, abused you, used
you.. you have the right to
settle your scores your dues.

Move ahead my friend satisfy
your vengeful heart and soul
but tell me my friend if morrow
morning tells you were wrong?

You ruined an innocent life.
Someone tricked you or your
judgment tricked you to think
that the person is vile?

And you ruined him beyond repair.
Will you be able to turn back clock?
Will your tears of repentance work?
No my friend the god’s mill will grind.


Opaque said...

Good work!

thoughts said...

its kind of a word of caution to those who love to play god..