A soft milky white veil is spread
from one end of the valley to the other
dark mountains are gathered around it
as if bridesmaids of a bride to be.
Walking toward the altar, her veil sailing
behind her, gracefull and full of purity
mountains waiting to catch it
if it flies too wildly in the wind
While the bride walks toward her groom
the morning sun in eastern sky…
Who will come down to kiss his bride
and confirm his vow of being together.
His glowing love will make her blush
redness spreading all over her face.
And her bridal veil will slowly sway
In the soft morning air and disappear.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
a nice composition.
I simply love your word pictures and I love the graphic in your title on this one, too!
Considering the time, I am seeing a bit of both, fantasy and life here. Nicely put! Keep writing!!!
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thanks a lot RB.
thanks a lot linda.
thanks ajey..
@IE checked.. it seemed something serious ..
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