win the war 13.12.08
why do we hate when we can love
why does hate often wins the war over love
when we look at others why do we forget
its alright to be weak, feeble or at fault?
So many times we let hatred win over love, compassion
when we would have won we defeat ourselves
we forget Jesus prayed to his father to forgive us
those who hated him, tortured him in return of his love, affection
and we, his children fail to love those who have not caused us any wound
we forget that loving, forgiving is the normal, hating is not right or fair
we act against the human nature, and betray the love of the creator
we forget that at the end it will be ashes to ashes and ground to ground
so in this short stay in this earthly abode before leaving for heaven
we ignore and forget to light the lamp of love and keep it burning
which will remind others of our love and affection when we are gone
we forget that it needs fire of love not darkness of hatred to keep earth turning
every time we give in to hatred, to contempt, to anger
without provocation, without being harmed by any one
we walk a step away from god the nurturer
and move a step toward the destroyer the evil one
we cant change the entire world or go on preaching every one
but we can look inside our souls and try to destroy hatred
try to love as long as we can and trust until we are betrayed
and turn our back to darkness and move toward the sun
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
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