Once a weary soul was aslumber
under a cool shade, his tired body
was soaking the cool of the tree
shade after a tortuous journey.
His slumber was gently disturbed
By sweet chirping of the birds
Which were resting there just like him
Chatting and chattering away from sun.
All of a sudden his reverie was broken
By the melody most divine
A nightingale started its solitary song
As if by magic all else hushed up.
He laid awake with his eyes closed
Listening to that tiny bird
Pouring its heart out selflessly
Soothing every soul with pure love.
Suddenly the strain was shattered
By a raucous caw, the tiny bird
Flew away hurt and scared by a rogue
The man snapped out of his slumber.
Opened his eyes, saw the tyrant and muttered
in a tone half furious and half amused..
Beauty is placed alike everywhere by God
Some adore it, some possess, and some abuse.
, hu
wild wind blows free
14 years ago